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Violent crime in America dropped by 15% last year, the biggest decrease on record. Overall, violent crime is at its lowest level in decades.... posted on Oct 05 2001, 433 reads


Friendless patients die at three times the rate after a heart attack than others who have family or friends to help them recover.... posted on Oct 04 2001, 812 reads


The abdomen of the ant contains two stomachs. One stomach holds the food for itself and second stomach is for food to be shared with other ants.... posted on Oct 03 2001, 536 reads


More Americans have died in drunk driving accidents than in all wars the U.S. has been involved in since its founding.... posted on Oct 02 2001, 527 reads


New York City, 1925: The tresurer of a Jewish hospital fund with $15,000 in his pocket was stopped by two robbers. When told the money was for a hospital, the robbers not only let him go, they threw in a ten dollar bill of their own.... posted on Oct 01 2001, 815 reads


On Sep 25th, in San Francisco, there was a stop-and-go traffic jam; one gentleman pops open his trunk, pulls in the emergency lane, and starts handing out free sodas as he watched car-goers frustration transformed into smiles.... posted on Sep 30 2001, 1,468 reads


Michael Jordan returned to basketball at the age of 38. He is donating his entire salary for the next season to charity:... posted on Sep 29 2001, 649 reads


... posted on Sep 28 2001, 605 reads


... posted on Sep 27 2001, 514 reads


Worldwide 27 million people are currently enslaved through violence or threat of violence.... posted on Sep 26 2001, 526 reads


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